Our Services

We provide domestic and family violence support and specialist homelessness services to the Singleton, Muswellbrook and Upper Hunter communities.

Upper Hunter Homeless is funded by the Department of Communities and Justice. The service is confidential and free.

We work with women, men, young people, families, Aboriginal people and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, the LGBTQIA+ community and older people.

Services are available for people at risk of homelessness, who are currently homeless and/or who have experienced family and domestic violence (FDV).

Upper Hunter Homeless works with all residents of the Upper Hunter Region.

Are you homeless?

Are you experiencing domestic & family violence?

If you are suffering from or experiencing behaviour within your family or relationship, that's meant to control, dominate, humiliate or scare the other person, refer to our support services available here.

Domestic and Family Violence Support

If you are suffering from or experiencing behaviour within your family or relationship, that's meant to control, dominate, humiliate or scare the other person, refer to our support services available here.

If you or someone you know are in danger please call 000

If safety is a concern the Police should be your first call. They have officers who are trained in working with people in the community affected by domestic and family violence (DFV).

If you are seeking non-urgent support please contact the Upper Hunter Homeless office on 6542 5051 Monday to Friday or email intake@uhhsos.org.au.

You can fill out the Intake forms for Upper Hunter Homeless by clicking on the following button:

People of all ages, cultures and social groups experience family based violence. FDV is behaviour either in your home or relationship which aims to control and/or intimidate you.

Specialist Homelessness Services

We are here to help support people who are facing or experiencing homelessness in NSW. We help women, men, young people, families, Aboriginal people and people from culturally linguistically diverse backgrounds. This service is linked to our domestic and family violence support and is also available to people who are sleeping rough, young people leaving care, those with mental health issues, living in unsafe conditions, older people and from the LGBTIQ+ community.

People who are worried they are in a situation which might result in homelessness are encouraged to contact us for advice and support. Caseworkers work with clients who are not yet homeless to create strategies which allow them to sustain a tenancy.

The team also works with people who are homeless – who are rough sleeping, couch surfing, living with family or friends or in other unsustainable residences. Our service also supports young people leaving care, those with mental health issues and other situations which have created homelessness.

Upper Hunter Homeless upholds client rights to make their own decisions, and we understand that not everyone has the same goals.

Supporting people who are facing or experiencing homelessness in NSW.

Programs Offered:

Specialist Homelessness Services (SHS)

Domestic and Family Violence Supports

Client phone and laptop

Meeting spaces for allied services

Training and meeting rooms for hire

Community Hub open Monday to Friday with laundry and shower

Short and medium term accommodation

Shark Cage

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